Showing posts with label decals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label decals. Show all posts

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Love of the Day: EBay #1

Hello! So I'm doing another of Louise's LOTD posts, last time I did this it was a Tuesday and I wrote about a blog post that I had enjoyed, but Thursdays are EBay days, where you write about a fun/affordable/crazy/brilliant item you've found on EBay!
So today I'm writing about these strange little things that are a new product for me, they're called 'nail decals'...

I found these on EBay whilst searching for various nail art materials to do something a bit different with my nails, rather than just painting them all one plain colour. I stumbled across a seller that was selling loads of different designs at £1.99 for a sheet of 20 of the chosen design (so basically 20 fingers-worth) which I thought was rather inexpensive! So yes, I went a little crazy and got quite a few designs... I couldn't resist! They all looked really cute and like they'd look so cool on your nails!
Here's a couple of close-ups of the designs I got..

music notes, swallows, mustaches, elephants, paw prints (with random chanel designs too..), peace signs and cats!

the colour I'm wearing on my nails is Sally Hansen Diamond
Strength No Chip Nail Colour in25 Princess Pink.
To apply the decals you simply cut around the single one you want, I tend to just cut a rectangle round my chosen design, and then hold it under water for 30 seconds (I filled my bathroom sink with warm water to do this) and then you should be able to slide the clear plastic sheet away from the paper behind it. I then position it on the nail where I want it to stay, and hold it there with my finger for a few minutes. Now, the decal itself isn't actually adhesive, so it will just about stay to your nail, what you then need to do after you've held it on and allowed it to dry off, is paint over it with a clear polish, a top coat or something (I used Sally Hansen Mega Shine Extended Wear Top Coat). Leave that to dry and then they stay put just fine!
I'm not exactly sure how long these stay on for, I've had mine on for 2 days and it's still as it was when I applied it, and it's survived a shift at work with all the grubby coat hangers I have to carry about, and being stabbed with the clothes security pins, so so far they seem to be pretty durable!

You can apply these to clean, unpolished nails, or on top of nail varnish. Obviously because all the designs are black, they are unlikely to show up against a dark colour polish, and rather than wear them on every single nail at once, I have opted for wearing them on just one accent nail, just because I prefer them that way, and it makes them last for longer!

Here is Louise's EBay LOTD post.
The EBay Seller I bought the decals from is called frazerd123.
Hail the Nail is also worth checking out, I'll definitely be buying plenty more of these!

What is your EBay love of the day? Which is your favourite decal design? (I think mine is the elephants!)

Eleanor x